FusionCAT Objectives

Key People

Mervi Mantsinen
Mervi Mantsinen BSC-CNS
The mission of the BSC Fusion Group is to connect the latest advances in HPC to fusion research due to the high computational requirements of its simulations.
Grisha Domakowski
Grisha Domakowski b_TEC
The b_TEC Campus Diagonal-Besòs Foundation has extensive experience in fusion-related work, especially in organizing seminars and workshops and in networking among companies and research centers.
Marc Crescenti
Marc CrescentiEurecat
Eurecat has a large team of engineers with extensive knowledge and experience in design and optimisation through simulation of structures and fluid dynamics systems.
Xavier Granados
Xavier GranadosICMAB
The SUMAN research group at ICMAB dedicates research effort to the development and understanding of high temperature critical superconducting materials (HTS).
Jordi Abellà
Jordi AbellàIQS
The Electrochemistry Laboratory at IQS School of Engineering has experimental facilities for working with molten metals and electrochemical instrumentation.
Manel Sanmartí
Manel SanmartíIREC
IREC’s research areas are Advanced Materials for Energy.
Lluís Batet Miracle
Lluís Batet MiracleUPC
The UPC has been carrying out research and technology transfer activities in the field of Nuclear Fusion Energy for years.


Full fusion reactor integrated modelling

Plasma and fusion reactors are systems of great physical, numerical and computational complexity. Their modelling implies the integration of many physical processes and multiple time and space scales. Therefore, in order to understand the behaviour of the plasma, it is essential to couple multiple physics. To this end, the following tasks will be performed: development of multiphysics codes for the modelling of these systems, their experimental validation, and their integration in the production chains that will be used while ITER is functioning.

Neutronics, tritium breeding and operational fuel cycle

The future fusion reactors opt for a cycle based on a huge generation of neutrons in the plasma by means of breeding blankets, which boost the production of neutrons. Furthermore, in order to achieve an efficient energy production, the project will study the impact of the neutrons in the reactor, the combustion cycle, the optimization of the connection between the breeding blanket and the tritium extraction system, and hydrogen recovery together with the fuel cleaning.

Fusion reactor studies

Finally, the FusionCAT project will conduct several studies on technologies that are applicable to the reactor’s design, such as the use of magnets based on High-Temperature Superconductivity (HTS) materials, the assessment of the strength of the materials used in the construction of the reactor, and the implementation of an energy cycle based on supercritical CO2.

Shared vision with European Fusion Roadmap


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